The Ford Go Further Series, was a compilation of personal stories of Ford owners, who go further for their community and the world they live in. With thousands of submissions, Ford & Global Team Blue cranked out 2 videos a month, working with small crews and small budgets, capturing as many stories as we could, of Ford owners going further.
I had the honor and opportunity to travel to Haiti to document a Ford owner, Mallory Brown and her company, World Clothes Line, coordinating multiple clothing deliveries throughout the island to people in need.
Visiting a 3rd world country changes and humbles you. While we were filming - we met Tausha Peason, the founder of HaitiMama - a family reunification non-profit program. We immediately decided to capture her story as well. Reuniting lost street kids with their families. HaitiMama's mission was to work with Haitian social workers reuniting families, put food on their table, get the children back into school and teach their gaurdians a trade in order to get back on their feet. Tausha's work, mission and spirit were so inspiring, it was fate when we discovered that she drove a Ford when back in the states.
We captured more Go Further Stories throughout the campaign.